
How to Set Your Etsy Business Apart From The Competition

June 9, 2022

There are millions of Etsy sellers out there, how do you stand out?

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5 things I did to grow my etsy shop to six-figures
how to set your etsy business apart from the competiton
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I scaled my Etsy business from zero to $1.5 million and counting. I'm finally sharing all my secrets on how YOU can make six-figures per year, and start living your dream life. 


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Learn how to create a six-figure worthy product page on Etsy through my newly released mini-course!

There are millions upon millions of Etsy sellers out there – yes you heard that right! As of 2022, there are 4.36 million active sellers on Etsy. That is a whole lot of competition. But, if you are smart (which I KNOW you are), you can set yourself apart from 90% of the shops on Etsy by doing this ONE thing. It is branding.

Branding is the secret sauce to ultimate success on Etsy. Most business owner’s on Etsy don’t have any sense of branding for their business, let alone take the time to truly create a “brand”. You have to think of your business as a real business – not a “side-hustle”, or a hobby. All real businesses go through a branding process. Why? To make their business stand out and to gain trust with their customers. Having a recognizable overall brand will help your potential buyers relate to you and feel good about clicking “purchase”. While selling your goods on Etsy is a great way to make tons of money, you don’t want to align your brand as just being an “Etsy seller”. You want your brand to be at the forefront when presenting to the customer. You want the customer to remember you and your brand not that they just bought their item from some shop on Etsy.

How do you stand out through branding? Well, here are 3 tips:

1. Core Values Are Key

A company core value is the clearly stated principle(s) about the organization’s vision, mission, and philosophies. Do you pride yourself on your amazing return policy? Are you an eco-friendly company with 100% recyclable packaging? Do you sell luxury goods which are meant to last a lifetime? Do you ship out your items super fast? Do you offer a warranty?

Take action: Write down the core values your business upholds. If you don’t have any – create them now! Once locked in, make sure to let the customers know all about them so they don’t have any questions in mind when viewing your shop.

2. Establish Your Dream Customer

Before you get into choosing your logo or your brand’s color palette, you’ll need to first establish WHO you’ll want to attract. Write down your dream customer’s gender, age range, geographical location, salary range, etc. Once you establish this, you can then narrow down what motivates this type of person. Are they motivated to buy something because it’s practical, or will it make them feel pretty? Are they motivated to buy because of the fact you donate proceeds to charity or do they appreciate the purchase of a handmade item because it is so unique and one-of-a-kind? Whatever it is, once you know what your dream customer wants, you will want to make sure your entire business features these values and motivators. You will want to weave these in through your social media, your about me page, your product pages, and anywhere else you can.

3. Discover Your Brand’s Identity

This is much more than a logo. You will need to establish brand fonts, a color palette, brand shapes, your brand’s photography style, your brand’s tone of voice and of course, your logos. All these should remain consistent throughout all aspects of your shop on Etsy, your emails, your social media and any printed marketing materials. This will add tremendous value to your products. You will look and feel like a real business (because you are!) even if this is just your “side-hustle”.

If you want to learn how I personally have set-up my product pages on Etsy to help me earn over $1.5 million, check out my new mini-course! It’s only $37.

See you next time! Until then!

xo, Ashley

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