It Started Off As A Dream.

I'm Ashley Bostwick. I'm an entrepreneur, mama, educator and boss - just to name a few! I'm a lover of all things blush pink (you should see my house!), travel, and positive mindset books. 

I currently run a very successful Etsy shop and website making multiple six figures per year where I employee three women who help me fulfill orders and keep me sane.

Money flows in easily from my business and I have tons of freedom to do the things I love. 

but things weren't always rainbows and smiles...

My business journey began with just a little idea paired with a true passion for success. After years of working jobs that I hated, I knew enough was enough. I HAD to break the cycle and start living the life I had only dreamt of. After making that powerful decision, it allowed me to focus on my goals. I wanted to quit my day job and do something where I can be a creative while still making from serious income.

Starting my Etsy business from scratch came with a whole lot of trial and error. I went through it all so you don't have to. 

In 2014, I started my business selling handmade jewelry through Etsy. I had never made a piece of jewelry in my life, nor had I ever owned a business before. With jewelry being such a saturated market, and my lack of experience and expertise, I had a lot going against me. Not to mention my day job taking up pretty much all my time! I still was able to push through and keep my mindset positive - always reminding myself of my goals.

After my first 6 months in business, I had grossed over $20k in sales and gained a new found respect for myself. Since then, our sales have grown exponentially year over year grossing a total of over $1.7 million and counting! I've been through it all, and have learned first hand what works with Etsy and what does not. My mission is to help as many women as possible grow their businesses so they can live their dream lives.


Money mindset, straight talk, treating yo self and cutting out the fluff to make room for the very best.


Excuses, weak coffee, cats, apologizing for being a badass boss.


Squeezing my beautiful babies, drinking margs by the pool, watching trash TV, running my biz.

daily rituals

Listening to calming music, baths, over-easy eggs, daily affirmations, and good skincare (Drunk Elephant, what!) 





Real Housewives (all cities!)

a buttery chardonnay 

we should all be millionares

chips & dip



Jack Johnson

My Favorite Things

Traveling — especially to places with beautiful weather & landscapes like Northern Cali.

my happy place!

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Our backyard oasis. We just built a pool and I'm obsessed.

Anything boho + pink. I'm a sucker for eclectic home goods, throw pillows, candles, and artwork. 

My Favorite Things

Of course my beautiful family. These are my little boys. 

so much fun!

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Girls trips. Did I mention I love travel? It's not often I get to do these now with the two kids, but when we do.. we have the best time.

Photos! I may or may not have over 60,000 photos on my iPhone. I take tons of photos wherever I go and love the editing process.

This      That






tv show

white claw




night owl





Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree? 

“Honestly, this program changed my business forever and enriched my whole dang life.”


so they say:

I'm sharing my top five tools I use to run my Etsy business every single day. I could not live without these, and I think you should know about them!

The Five Tools I Use To Run My Business

Better than Free Ice Cream!

let's work together

I am passionate about helping women create and scale their handmade businesses into wild success stories. I have helped numerous women with their Etsy businesses -


did we just become best friends?