
7 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner When Starting My Etsy Shop

October 18, 2022

I wish someone told me these things when I started my small business on Etsy!

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5 things I did to grow my etsy shop to six-figures
how to set your etsy business apart from the competiton
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I scaled my Etsy business from zero to $1.5 million and counting. I'm finally sharing all my secrets on how YOU can make six-figures per year, and start living your dream life. 


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Learn how to create a six-figure worthy product page on Etsy through my newly released mini-course!

Starting a small business is a journey. I myself, have made tons of mistakes over the past 8+ years of running my successful jewelry business. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain and I’ll be sharing the top 7 things I wish I knew to pay more attention to when I first started my business.

7 things I wish I knew when I started my etsy shop

One thing I will note – starting an Etsy shop is an amazing way to get started with your small business as Etsy will bring you traffic. HOWEVER, you need to do certain things the right way to get Etsy to send you that traffic. I have a mini-course called, The Six-Figure Product Page Blueprint where I teach you all about Etsy SEO, Etsy Keywords, Etsy Tags and Titles. Basically, I show you how to bring in traffic AND how to set-up your product page to convert once the traffic gets to your shop. I teach you the exact formula I used to create my product listings that have single handedly made me over six-figures (with just one listing!).

These are stats for ONE product in my shop using this method!

Here are the top 7 things I wish I knew sooner when I first started my business selling on Etsy.

Expenses are anything from office supplies, the cost of materials used to make your products, to business dinners!
  1. Keep Track of All Your Expenses.

Get yourself a business credit card or a card that is dedicated to just business expenses. This will be your life-saver come tax time. Remember, your expenses are tax write offs – so keeping track of these will save you MONEY.

2. Create Collections – Not Just New Products

Developing a collection full of new products will help increase your average order value as many shoppers will pick up multiple items within the collection. It also makes it more marketable to share a collection rather than a single new product.

Collections can be made around a theme, a season, a color, etc. The possibilities are endless!
Slowly increase your ad budget as you see the ads start to work. Keep an eye on them and test, test, test!

3. Turn On Etsy Ads For Best Sellers Only

Etsy Ads can be great if you know how to use them. Pouring money into getting products seen that don’t covert already will not magically get them to become big sellers. Only promote items you know already have a track record of sales.

4. Remember That Sales Take Time

Creating a business and getting sales does take time. Time meaning… anywhere from 1-3 months before you start to get sales. Be patient. Test new products and keywords! Once you find out what is working – follow that path full force.

If your products aren’t selling after 3 months. You may need to rework your products, your keywords, your photos… or all three!
The FB group I have, I only let in positive Etsy sellers who truly want to focus on GROWTH for their shop. You can join here!

5. Etsy Facebook Groups Can Be Toxic Sometimes

Facebook groups are a little bit of a slippery slope. Yes – they can be a great resource for knowledge or tips. However, you don’t want to spend your precious time in groups reading or posting about negative things like bad customers, shipping problems, or insignificant Etsy related topics. If your goal is to grow your shop, focus on what will really move the needle in your business and be selective in the groups you join!

6. Focus On Pinterest For Traffic

Pinterest is an amazing tool that can get you tons of traffic to your shop by doing minimal effort. No crazy dancing videos, video editing or hashtag research. If you focus on amazing photos for your brand, you can repurpose them on Pinterest. Remember to post long images to ensure they are optimized for Pinterest.

I teach you all about Pinterest marketing in my upcoming course. Get on the waitlist here.
Branding is one of the key areas to creating a long lasting business.

7. Develop A Brand, not just an “Etsy Shop”.

When you start selling on Etsy, it’s not just an “Etsy Shop” – you’ve started a BUSINESS! For a long-term business that will make you tons of money for years to come, you need to get serious about creating a real brand and not just another “Etsy shop”. Branding can take time to figure out and can be very complex. Start with your brand’s logo, colors, fonts, brand’s voice and your mission (what your business stands for). Honing in on these few areas will help you get started on making your business stand out.

There you have it! The 7 things I wish I knew sooner when I started my business selling on Etsy. If you want more, get on the waitlist for my comprehensive online course for Etsy Sellers who truly want to grow their shops to six-figures.



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I'm Ashley, nice to meet you!

I'm a mama to two beautiful boys, a jewelry brand founder and C.E.O, and a handmade business educator helping women crush their sales and live the life of their dreams. 

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